Saturday, June 30, 2007


If a swarming honeybee colony cannot find a good site for a new hive, it will perish. The work shown here entitled – holes – has been in progress now for over a year. I associate these holes with spaces. Traditionally holes are thought of as being empty voids or dark and dirty places. I think of them though as being an opening or an opportunity through which ideas, information, emotions, and feelings can enter in and be released out of in an exchange of life. A lot can be said about the idea of waiting with patience to find the right destintation or home- I think I have spent a little bit of time examining this concept...but like the honeybees searching for an opening or an opportunity with patience for that exchange of life– a desire must be fulfilled...or similar to the honeybees plight, it will perish under the strain of neglect- I guess it could be said that desire must find it's home.

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